Friday, February 24, 2012

Ubuntu Networking Configuration Using Command Line

The basics for any network based on *nix hosts is the Transport Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) combination of three protocols. This combination consists of the Internet Protocol (IP),Transport Control Protocol (TCP), and Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP).
By Default most of the users configure their network card during the installation of Ubuntu. You can however, use the ifconfig command at the shell prompt or Ubuntu’s graphical network configuration tools, such as network-admin, to edit your system’s network device information or to add or remove network devices on your system
Configure Network Interface Using Command-Line
You can configure a network interface from the command line using the networking utilities. You configure your network client hosts with the command line by using commands to change your current settings or by editing a number of system files.
Configuring DHCP address for your network card
If you want to configure DHCP address you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces and you need to enter the following lines replace eth0 with your network interface card
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
Note :- Use vi editor if you don’t have GUI installed
If you have GUI use the following command
gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
# The primary network interface - use DHCP to find our address
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Source :

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mounting Linux Partitions in Ubuntu

  • sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_backup 
  • sudo nano /etc/fstab 
  • UUID=d1d0cf46-958f-4a12-a604-0ac66040648b /storage ext4 defaults 0 0
  • sudo mount -a
  • sudo chown -R jessica:jessica /storage
  • sudo chmod -R 755 /storage 
