- Reading and Editing EXIF Metadata with ExifTool
- Reading EXIF Metadata with Jhead
- Removing EXIF Metadata with ImageMagick
ExifTool is powerful a Perl program that can be used to read and edit EXIF metadata in images. To install ExifTool as /usr/bin/exiftool on Fedora, install the perl-Image-ExifTool package:
su -c 'yum install perl-Image-ExifTool'
Alternatively, you can use CPAN to install ExifTool in /usr/local/bin/exiftool.
su -c "perl -MCPAN -e'install Image::ExifTool'"
After installation, you will have the exiftool command available in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. To view the EXIF metadata in an image, just past the image as an argument to exiftool.
exiftool dsc_0790.jpg
Here is a snippet of the output from the above command:
ExifTool Version Number : 7.60
File Name : dsc_0790.jpg
Directory : .
File Size : 4.4 MB
File Modification Date/Time : 2008:07:16 09:45:20-07:00
File Type : JPEG
MIME Type : image/jpeg
Exif Byte Order : Big-endian (Motorola, MM)
Camera Model Name : NIKON D200
Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
X Resolution : 300
Y Resolution : 300
Resolution Unit : inches
Software : Bibble 4.10a
Modify Date : 2007:06:23 22:00:14
Exposure Time : 1/40
F Number : 2.0
Exposure Program : Aperture-priority AE
ISO : 100
ExifTool has many options for editing and removing EXIF metadata in images. To see the available options, use the --help switch or read the ExifTool documentation.
exiftool --help
Reading EXIF Metadata with Jhead
Jhead is a command line tool for displaying EXIF data embedded in JPEG images. On Fedora, use Yum to install Jhead:
su -c 'yum install jhead'
Now, use /usr/bin/jhead to read EXIF metadata:
jhead dsc_0790.jpg
Here is an example of the output produced by the jhead command:
File name : dsc_0790.jpg
File size : 4654488 bytes
File date : 2008:07:16 09:45:20
Camera model : NIKON D200
Date/Time : 2007:06:23 22:00:14
Resolution : 3880 x 2608
Flash used : No
Focal length : 50.0mm (35mm equivalent: 75mm)
Exposure time: 0.025 s (1/40)
Aperture : f/2.0
ISO equiv. : 100
Exposure bias: 1.00
Whitebalance : Auto
Exposure : aperture priority (semi-auto)
GPS Latitude : ? ?
GPS Longitude: ? ?
======= IPTC data: =======
(C)Flag : 0
DateCreated : 20070623
Time Created : 220014
Record vers. : 4
Removing EXIF Metadata with ImageMagick
If you need to strip the EXIF metadata from images, use ImageMagick's mogrify command. To install ImageMagick on Fedora, use Yum:
su -c 'yum install ImageMagick'
After ImageMagick is installed, you will have /usr/bin/mogrify available. The mogrify command can be used to strip Exif data from images.
mogrify -strip imagename.jpg
If you need to process a large number of files, use find and xargs:
find ./folder_of_images -name '*.jpg' | xargs mogrify -strip